We had a touch rugby match in Golden Valley today. Though we were not good at it at all, we still had a lot of fun under the blue sky.
With lots of sweat on our back, we back to the classroom, teacher Paul were going to teach us a Maori song and an English song, “Tutira mai”and “I Believe I Can Fly”. Following are the lyrics of Tutira mai:
Tutira mai nga iwi See the people
Tatou tatou e together
Tutira mai nga iwi
Tatou tatou e
Whai a te marama tanga by the light of moon, knowledge
Me te aroha, e nga iwi and love
Kia ko tapa tahi thinking in one way
Kia ko tahi ra doing in one way
Tatou tatou e
Tatou tatou
Tahi rua toru wha
E aue hi